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The Directors of Special Education Committee (DOSE) is comprised of school district Directors

of Special Education and other designated personnel who are appointed by the superintendent of the school district in which they are employed. The Committee is responsible for providing

a vehicle for communication, consultation and coordination of special education services.

The Directors of Special Education initiate the development of procedures and policies to be sent to the Superintendents Governance Committee for consideration and implements SELPA Policies county wide. Members of the Committee apprise their Superintendents regarding areas to be discussed at the Superintendents Governance Committee meetings. Linkage between the Superintendents Governance Committee and the Directors of Special Education Committee is provided by having the SELPA Administrator and a representative appointed from the Directors of Special Education Committee attend the Superintendents Governance Committee meetings.

2024 - 2025 MEMBERS

Heather Rodriguez

Judah Tanner

Antonio Quintanilla

Michael Adams

Dr. Regina Green

Carol Swanson

Lillia Casillas

Tessa Wilson

John Woods

Michelle Espinoza

Julia Reese 

Diane Rankin

Mary Lou Munoz-Gomez

Cindy Gist

Ycxia Padron

Michelle Zavaleta

Roger Robles

Gina Fabrizio

Cindy Yoshida

Michelle West

Burton Elementary

Charter Academy's

Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified

Dinuba Unified

Earlimart Elementary

Exeter Unified

Farmersville Unified

Liberty School District

Lindsay Unified

Oak Valley Elementary

Pixley Union Elementary

Porterville Unified

Richgrove Elementary

Sundale Union

Terra Bella Union Elementary

Tulare City Elementary

Tulare Joint Union High

Visalia Unified

Visalia Unified

Woodlake Union

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